So I'm sitting here in my office trying to down my first official Body By Visuals shake. It's not very tasty but I may very well have mixed it wrong seeing as how I didn't follow any recipes I just threw some ice from Sonic, a hand full of blueberries, 2 scoops of shake and some almond Silk in the blender. Don't get me wrong, it's not the worse thing I've ever tasted it and I'm sure that once I get used to it I'll love it - espeicailly if I see some results. It is true that it tastes like cake mix batter. A lot of the reviews I've seen view that is a good thing. I however and not so fond of cake mix batter that I can drink two cups of it a day and be happy about it. But of course, that's just me. On to other things - my aunt Lill passed away Monday after a very brave fight with pancreatic cancer. She was (and still is) my favorite aunt. I'm going to miss her. I won't go into details, but what I've learned is to never ever not tell ...