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Showing posts from August, 2012

My 40 Before 40 List

Whew! I narrowed this list down from like 60! I would have had even more than that had I not forced myself to just stop thinking. Anyway, I saw this idea over at the Cubicle Chick and decided I'd also make a list of 40 things I want to do before I turn 40. I searched around on the web and apparently this is kind of a common thing in the blogger world. (Who knew?) Any who. Here's my list of 40 things that I want to do before I turn 40. I have 7 years and 6 months. I think I can do it. (I'm a librarian so they're in alphabetical order. Latina’s 40 Before 40 List 1.      Be completely out of debt. My credit should I put this... well, basically FUCKED UP! I've made tons of financial mistakes in life. If I hadn't been blessed to have a job that pays me decently I had to even think of where I would be right now. *shudders* I hope that I learn to live within my financial means waaay before I turn 40 but my hope is that by the time I turn 40 I wil...

Weight Loss Woes

My weight has been a constant struggle for me since.....well since forever. I have been a chubster from the very beginning for one reason or another. In the African American community chunky babies are cute right? Then as a youngster I had the fortunate misfortune of being raised by a woman who can burn in the kitchen (Love ya Pegs)! I managed to lose weight a few times in my life. I've seen pictures of me as a kid (maybe 2nd grade or so) when I was average kid size. That had to be from the running around during recess exercise regime. By the 4th grade though I didn't go to a school that enforced physical activity and I hung out with a group of nerds (the Alpha kids) who preferred talking over playing during recess. During middle school I was able to maintain a thickness about myself by living a life filled with my mom's good cooking, not eating lunch and walking what seemed like 5 miles (but was probably only a quarter of a mile at  best) to and from the bus stop stat...