Whew! I narrowed this list down from like 60! I would have had even more than that had I not forced myself to just stop thinking. Anyway, I saw this idea over at the Cubicle Chick and decided I'd also make a list of 40 things I want to do before I turn 40. I searched around on the web and apparently this is kind of a common thing in the blogger world. (Who knew?) Any who. Here's my list of 40 things that I want to do before I turn 40. I have 7 years and 6 months. I think I can do it. (I'm a librarian so they're in alphabetical order. Latina’s 40 Before 40 List 1. Be completely out of debt. My credit is...how should I put this... well, basically FUCKED UP! I've made tons of financial mistakes in life. If I hadn't been blessed to have a job that pays me decently I had to even think of where I would be right now. *shudders* I hope that I learn to live within my financial means waaay before I turn 40 but my hope is that by the time I turn 40 I wil...