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The Beginning....

Hopefully this blog post won't sound like the crazy ramblings of .....well, a crazy woman. But I feel like I need to blow some steam. Who am I angry with you ask? Myself. I have not been living the life that I want to live and for a long time (like forever) I placed the blame on other people. And while I can't deny that other people have definitely effed me over throughout the years, I'm growing and I can recognized that I am really the root of all evil in this diva's life. I am not ashamed to admit that this year I have suffered from a disturbing bout of depression. I've been more of a sulker and a dreamer than a doer which is not a part of my usually fabulous character.

Since become a mother, I have created a yearly to-do list each year which has keep me somewhat focused and determined to accomplish goals. This year I was so depressed that I said bump it and let life control me. Now I know I know better than that. So with the end of 2011 fast approaching I'm going to start my to do list in September. Am I crazy? No. But I'm determined to get myself out of this rut and live life as though I am the person I want to be. Oprah would so not approve of the life I'm living right now..... SMHAM (translation: Shaking My Head At Myself).

So I'm sharing with you readers (if you're even out there) My List of 10 Things to do Before 2011 Passes Me By. The inspiration for the blog title is my desire to move from Fat and Broke to Fabulous. I know that being skinny and rich will not make me fabulous but I do believe that if I can overcome being fat and broke and I can overcome anything thus making me fabulous. So any who here are my 10 goals. The remainder of my posts on this blog will be about achieving them and maintaining them.

1. Lose 30 pounds through proper diet and exercise. I know I can lose this much and more in 4 months.

2. Work on my Blogs (Ha! I've started working on one goal already)

3. Learn to love my job again. Anyone who knows me knows how much I really deep down inside LOVE my job. It is one of my few claims to fame! Lately, though I've just been rolling with the punches and I haven't had really real enthusiasm about it. I'm sure it's because the rest of my life is so crappy but I'm going to introduce some new and exciting programs (Which I shall blog about HERE) I will also stop being so passive with my staff and hold them responsible for their actions.

4. Work on opening my Etsy shop. I'm a hella crafty chick and I need extra cash. Why not combine the two.

5. Pay more attention to my appearance. If I want people to think of me as a Diva, I should present myself as such. Sometimes I let my weight discourage me and I don't dress up prettily as much as I used to but I'm going to let go of my self conscious attitude and let the diva in me SHINE......

6. Be a better financial consumer. I spend money like I have money. I'm a broke bitch. I must start living life as a broke bitch. That means no more shopping (I can't fit anything anyway) outside of the occasional treat from 1/2 of 1/2, no more eating out (I like to cook anyway and I can blog about it) and no more going crazy in Hobby Lobby and Michael's (I have craft supplies galore. I need to use all of that stuff before purchasing anything new)

7. Read the Bible, the greatest self-help book ever invented. I needs me a little more Jesus in my life. Amen

8. Become better organized and clutter free. I have a yard sale coming up in September so I am going to have to do some Fall cleaning and make my little shabby apartment a home.

9. Finish my dang book. It's can potentially be a bestseller. But how will I ever know if I don't finish the damn thing!?

10. Be a better mommy to my two little ones. I make the toughest decision ever and let them stay with my family in Texas for a year all in the sake of getting myself together and thus being a better mommy. That's my motivation for everything else.

New posts coming soon. Love Ya.


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