Okay so recently I composed a list of 40 things that I want to do before I turn 40. One of those things was start a YouTube channel. There are tons of YouTube channels and popular people already. the reason that I want to start my channel is because there are often times that I search for things and there isn't a video available on that topic or it's not done in the best way that I think possible. So I figured that my opinion matters. It is also a way for me to build confidence. I've always been a shy person and for me to regularly post videos of myself is one way that I feel I can overcome some of that shyness and build a little self confidence. The video that I posted is my review of 3 bundles of Brazilian body wave hair that I ordered from www.divahairllc.com and 3 pair of gorgeous earrings that I ordered from www.bedazzled.com
Anyway - Check out my video here.
Remember, this is my VERY FIRST video so please, be nice!
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