I am writing a book. Actually, I've been writing a book for quite some time now. I have the entire book already written in my mind.This year I am going to finish it - hopefully during NaNoWriMo (NAtional NOvel WRIting MOnth) As you can see I have a ticker (to the right) and just or a little encouragement the first chapter of my book is included below for your reading pleasure. Please comment below - I need the encouragement. XO XO - Latina Renee Chapter1: Sylvia’s Story I know I need to get my lazy behind out of this bed. I’ve already hit the snooze button twice and if I hit it one more time I know I’ll be taking a major risk of being late for the grand opening of my salon this morning. It’s not that I’m tired I just have days like this sometimes. I wish I could just lie here all day and try to figure out how I got to where I am. I mean don’t get me wrong, life is not horrible for me by ...