Hello Divas!
So I had all these grand plans for keeping up with this blog while on leave but of course that didn't happen. I did however start my YouTube channel! So I am indeed crossing things off my 40 Before 40 List.
My first video and most recent video are about weave that I purchased from www.divahairllc.com
Please view them below. Also, if there are there any topics that you diva want me to tackle either through my blog or vlog please let me know. Don't be shy!
And - I'm know I'm getting viewership, the stats don't lie but I only have 2 subscribers! Please subscribe!
And not only to this blog but my YouTube Channel: LatinaReneeTV, Twitter: @latinarenee and on Instagram: MsLatinaRenee
Video 1: Initial Review of Brazilian Body Wave (14, 16 and 18 inches) from DivaHairLLC.
Video 2: Final Review of hair! I LOVE it. *Please ignore the strange boobage I'm giving the camera...YIKES*

So I had all these grand plans for keeping up with this blog while on leave but of course that didn't happen. I did however start my YouTube channel! So I am indeed crossing things off my 40 Before 40 List.
My first video and most recent video are about weave that I purchased from www.divahairllc.com
Please view them below. Also, if there are there any topics that you diva want me to tackle either through my blog or vlog please let me know. Don't be shy!
And - I'm know I'm getting viewership, the stats don't lie but I only have 2 subscribers! Please subscribe!
And not only to this blog but my YouTube Channel: LatinaReneeTV, Twitter: @latinarenee and on Instagram: MsLatinaRenee
Video 1: Initial Review of Brazilian Body Wave (14, 16 and 18 inches) from DivaHairLLC.
Video 2: Final Review of hair! I LOVE it. *Please ignore the strange boobage I'm giving the camera...YIKES*
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