So there's this guy that I kind of sort of know and I think he likes me OR he thinks I like him and finds it humorous. I can be very friendly and playful (usually out of nervousness/shyness) when I meet a person and I guess that can be mistaken for flirtation but I don't think I've been that nice to him. I hardly ever see him. But when I do see him, if he's with this one friend in particular they act really strange together.
For example, they once approached me about nothing. That sounds weird because it is weird. They came to my job (a public library) and seemingly forced a conversation with me. My face tells everything so of course I was looking like "wth is wrong with you dweebs" but my mind was reeling. At the time I wasn't thinking "oh, he likes you" it was afterwards when I was still trying to figure out if I missed something that the thought occurred to me.
There was another time when the friend wanted me to know that someone was coming to the library to meet him and I was like ..."okay" He was all "I'm not telling you who it'll see when he gets here" and then the guy came in and I was like "oh......ooooooooh" With those 2 incidents and a few things in between (that I can't post because what if one of them reads my blog? I don't know who reads but somebody is reading and I can't risk it aaaaaaaaack) I thought I had it all figured out. So I kind of, sort of tried to engage in friendly banter with him but he wouldn't even look at me. He just kind of smiled and dismissed himself (to the restroom). Dude what? I'm not intimidatingly gorgeous or off putting in behavior (or at least I don't think I'm giving negative body signals) so why wouldn't he just ask for my number? When guys do this I always think it's a little cute at first but then I start to think the guy is a wuss and I don't like him anymore. But I don't even know if I like this guy. He seems nice enough but I don't know...Oh well this why I always say I live in the Twilight Zone.
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