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#100BlogPosts - Post # 7: MCM Jesse Williams

If you recall from my post back in 2012 Jesse Williams was way at the bottom of my celebrity boo list. He was number 11 of 12. The only person lower than him was Rick Ross (Da Bawse). Oh what a difference time makes. Jesse has moved all the way up the list to #2 (no one beats T.I. though he lost some points in these last two years but more on that later). See in the last two years I've learned a few things about Mr. Williams. First I found out he has a regular pretty (and a bit plush at times) wife Mrs. Aryn Drake-Lee. 

Then I found out how very intelligent he is and his passion for the Mike Brown situation in Ferguson just did it for me. He was even out in the streets of Ferguson talking to people and hugging folks! #swoon.  He's fearless. He is a black man first and an actor second and I LOVE IT! T.I.better watch out. Jesse is coming for his spot.

Oh...and he used to be a teacher. In another life we were married...I just know it.


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