Unfortunately, I am failing miserably. Dieting is so much of a mental war for me that I've convinced myself that there's no point. I'm not saying I quit but I have cheated. After doing P2 faithfully for 2 weeks I was down 12-14 lbs (for some reason there was fluctuation) I stalled there the entire third week. There was no change at all. I was hungry, irritable and depressed. So I cheated. Because what's the point in doing all of that suffering for nothing? I felt so bad. I ate bread and I didn't even like it. I felt sick. Being trapped inside of my apartment due to ice and snow didn't help so I ended up eating a few Girl Scout cookies. Bread has never been a vice for me but sweets, cookies, cakes, pies, THOSE are my vices. I didn't go over board but I definitely cheated. Now I don't know what to do. I've disappointed myself and other people. Why can't I be a BIG responder? Why can't I lose 10 lbs in a week's time? Why can't I LOV...