I think I'll participate in lent this year. I need to practice will power. I plan to give up 3-5 things in hopes that I'll make it the entire 40 days w/ at least one. Lent starts Wednesday and right now I'm contemplating letting go of: negativity, Social Media (unless business related), texting, alcohol, romantic relationships, television, music recorded after 1985 (music is the soundtrack of my life so I can't give it up completely), fake hair (I'm natural so that would mean no protective styling) spending money outside of preexisting bills.... I have about 12 hours to decide and prep myself. Are you giving up anything for Lent? If so what?
Hey y'all! I was finally able to get my grubby little paws on more Michaels Craft Store Grab Boxes. It was completely by accident, I simply wanted to buy a t-shirt to complete an order and I saw 4 boxes so I purchased 4 boxes. Here's what was inside: Most of this will get used. I was most excited about the floral department stuff and the lights. The total for my boxes is over $400. Anything I can't use, I'll be donating to my job!
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