So I'm trying a new weight loss plan. I can admit that it seems a little gimmicky but I've personally with my for reals eyes seen the results of Omnitrtion. It doesn't cost as much as some other plans I've tried so I decided to give it a try. The way the plan is set up you do rounds or cycles. They are 47 days long and are broken down so that the first 2 days you do what is called Phase 1 or P1 (loading). You get to eat whaterver you want and you are encouraged to stuff yourself. That's what I've done the last two days and I literally made myselfe sick. AND I GAINED 5 POUNDS!!!!!!While loading I you're suppose to drink 1/2 to 1 gallon of water a day ( I drank about 80 oz) and take the Omnidrops/Liquid Vitamins 4 times a day. I'm optimistic about this program. The people who introduced it to me really believe in the product and their results made me an offer I couldn't refuse. My next post is about Phase 2.
Latina Renee
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